
Rhoma Young Antiques is about sustainability…on a grand scale, showcasing articles from decades/centuries before, now appreciated in a different view and mix. 

The use may change but the original beauty and value are now enjoyed once again. The workmanship and designs of the past lay claim to a new and current appreciation. 

Lustrous silver and flowered porcelain tureens became elegant vases and planters. Brocade fabric from drapes become fashionable vests and jackets worn with denim.  Silver flatware is enjoyed every day. 

Antique gilt frames now showcase softly shaded contemporary watercolors. Paisleys survive as a scarf tossed over the shoulder, made into a purse or elegant briefcase or draped over a contemporary 4 poster bed. Lace scraps can beautify Covid 19 masks.

Rhoma Young

Rhoma Young Antiques

To explore the world of antique jewelry, please visit my site ryprivatecollections.com or link with ryprivatecollections social media.